Hi Ceki and Erik,
<br/><br/>From reading the comments in Yegor's code, it appears to have no
<br/>restrictions on use as long as the copyright is attached. Would that
<br/>be compatible with SLF4J's licensing terms?
<br/><br/>If that is agreeable to you both, I could set up a github project
<br/>tomorrow or over the weekend.
<br/><br/><br/>On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 5:08 AM, Ceki Gulcu [via Slf4J]
<br/><<a href="/user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3283972&i=0" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">[hidden email]</a>> wrote:
<div class='shrinkable-quote'><br/>> Hello Erik,
<br/>> How about creating a project on github so that we have some actual
<br/>> software to talk about? Once we have working software, we can find ways
<br/>> of publishing it for consumption by the wider public.
<br/>> On 25/08/2011 10:25 AM, Erik Boye wrote:
<br/>>> Hi,
<br/>>> My use case is exactly the same as Cliff is describing. It seems like we
<br/>>> all agree that creating a new SLF4J log binding, delegating to Maven Log API
<br/>>> could be a useful contribution to the SLF4J community.
<br/>>> How do we get the ball rolling?
<br/>>> I suggest going back to be my response to Ceki in April (see attached
<br/>>> e-mail). I did not get any response or comments to my suggestions before
<br/>>> Cliff responded in late July.
<br/>>> Regards,
<br/>>> Erik
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