Hi there,<br><br>I develop a web application using Play Framework 1.1. <br>This framework implements its own Logger classes, based on log4j (with a logger called "play")<br> <br>By default on install, Play runs with:<br>
commons-logging-1.1.1.jar<br>log4j-1.2.15.jar<br>slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar<br>slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar<br>(and many other jar files)<br><br>For now, everything is fine: I use Logger.debug("Hello!"); in my own classes and I can fine tune via a basic log4j.properties<br>
<br>But now, I have to use an external jar called restfb-1.6.jar for some Facebook API calls. This library is based on java.util.logging.<br><br>And I really don't know how, and if it's possible, to redirect logs from restfb-1.6.jar to my main log4j instance.<br>
I would like to manage all logging of my project within the same log4j.properties.<br><br>If I understood well, I have to import also "jul-to-slf4j-1.6.1.jar" to make jul->slf4j, and then slf4j->log4j<br>
If I try to add "log4j.logger.com.restfb=ERROR" in my log4j.properties it has no effect.<br>
<br>I found nothing related to such a scenario in maling list archives.<br><br>Thanks for your help<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Julien<br><br><br>