<div id="_htmlarea_default_style_" style="font:10pt arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Thanks!<br>I tried it yesterday and the
day before (Maven POM version change) and encountered "could not find/download" errors. I then searched yesterday
and today with those results, which look suspicious. But works now! :-)<br><br><br>On Tue, 11 May 2010
16:34:54 +0200<br> Eric Chatellier <chatellier@codelutin.com> wrote:<br>> On 11/05/2010 16:27, Jeff Jensen
wrote:<br>>> Is 1.6.0 on its way to Maven Central? I only see <br>>>1.6.0-alpha2 and 1.6.0-RC0,<br>>>
and my guess is those aren't the release versions?:<br>>><br>>> https://repository.sonatype.org/index.html#nexus-search;gav~org.slf4j~slf4j-<br>>>
api~~jar~~kw<br>> It's on central : <br>>http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.6.0/<br>> <br>>
-- <br>> Éric<chatellier@codelutin.com><br>> Tel: 02 40 50 29 28<br>> http://www.codelutin.com<br>>
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