<div>Hello Ceki Gülcü,</div><div><br></div><div>>How is does SQLWatch integrate with log4jdbc? Is it by intercepting<br>>logging requests?<br></div><div>Here is tool implementation overview diagam (how it works currently):</div>
<div><a href="http://code.google.com/p/sqlwatch/source/browse/trunk/sqlwatch2/doc/overview/sqlwatch.png">http://code.google.com/p/sqlwatch/source/browse/trunk/sqlwatch2/doc/overview/sqlwatch.png</a></div><div><br></div><div>
Actually yes, SQLWatch listens log-messages passed from log4jdbc and then </div><div>notifies all custom listeners which do it's own jobs (like preparing profiling report and so on).</div><div><br></div><div>> As for "handlers", SLF4J only deals with loggers. It does include a<br>
> notion of handlers in j.u.l. terminology (appenders in log4j and<br>> logback).</div><div>If I understand, custom wrapper for log-library (e.g. wrapper for log4j) in slf4j is something</div><div>like handler. But in difference to JDK (Log) Handler I can't add more than 1</div>
<div>handler (wrapper for logging library) to SLF4J same time.<br><br>In this case I have at least two solutions:<br>1. implement a Proxy Wrapper (but how to attach it to slf4j in most natural way)<br>which will notify SQLWatch and pass all other log-messages to concrete wrapper (e.g. log4j wrapper).</div>
<div>2. Impelment all kinds of Listeners/Appenders for all possible log-libraries.<br><br>May be here is some other (and better!) solutions, and if not,<br>which one is better?</div><div><br></div><div>--<br>Dmitry</div>