<div dir="ltr">Hi ,<br><br><br>I'm trying to make my web application which is using log4j , use the slf4j api or the other way around ( the log4j Logger to log messages through sfl4j ).<br><br>As far as yet i have not managed to make either work .<br>
<br>My questions are liste below :<br><br><br>1. When i try replacing the log4j.jar file <i>log4j-over-slf4j.jar </i><i>( which in turn provides the replacement classes ) , the JBOSS AS </i>complains about a <br><br>"LinkageError" between a previously loaded Class ( org/apache/log4j/Logger ) . This is quite normal , because JBoss loads it's bundled log4j.jar files . The question is how am I supposed to use slf4j with JBoss ( i couldn't stop JBoss from loading log4j ,unless I specify in it's classloader that log4j shouldn't be loaded , but then i got the "noClassDefFoundError" for org/apache/log4j/Logger , in the slf4j stackTrace ) .<br>
<br>2. When I try using the <em>slf4j-log4j12-1.5.2 file </em><br><br>Output ( which resides in the log4j files ) for "fine" and "finest" levels is not generated . Just DEBUG and WARN .<br><br><br>Thanks for reading ,<br>
<br>Any ideas and/or suggestions would be appreciated .<br><br>Victor<br><br><br><i><br><br></i><br><br>the problem is that after is replace the <br></div>