Ceki,<br><br>The mina team has decided to add some (at least one) MDC-aware Formatter's for java.util.logging, so that MINA users <br>can use the formatter out-of-the box. <br><br>Is there a maven snapshot that contains the latest changes (BasicMDCAdapter etc)<br>
<br>I see that you mention bumping the version to 1.5 in the last commit message of BasicMDCAdapter <br>so I tried to set up a dependency like this<br><br> <dependency><br> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId><br>
<artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId><br> <version>1.5.0-SNAPSHOT</version><br> </dependency><br><br>but maven did not find it. <br><br>I am not too familiar with maven, should I <br>
a) add another repository in my local maven config<br>b) manually install the dependency to my local repo <br>c) wait for you to publish a 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT somewhere ?<br><br>Thanks<br>Maarten<br>