<div dir="ltr">Sorry for my poor english :(<br><br>when i test logback0.9.9 and slf4j 1.5.2 ,I found this bugļ¼<br>the test code is fllow:<br><br><br> log.debug("a:{},v:{},float:{},<div dir="ltr">", new Object[] {"A", "C", new float[] {1, 2, 3} });<br>
<br>Then I got the log message is :<br><br>2008-07-20 02:11:18,656 DEBUG main a:A,v:C,float:[F@1b09468, <br>but I want to got :<br><br>2008-07-20 02:13:49,515 DEBUG main a:A,v:C,float:[1.0,2.0,3.0], <br><br>so I read the souce and found the bug in MessageFormatter.java.<br>
<br>then I change the code in MessageFormatter.java to fix the bug ..<br><br>I got the code from svn :<br><a href="http://svn.slf4j.org/repos/slf4j/trunk/slf4j-api/src/main/java/">http://svn.slf4j.org/repos/slf4j/trunk/slf4j-api/src/main/java/</a><br>
and use "svn diff MessageFormatter.java >MessageFormatter.java.patch" to make a patch file.<br><br><br></div><br></div>