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Ceki Gülcü wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid6."
type="cite">Would you prefer Markers to be dropped in the next version
of SLF4J?
I've just returned from holidays and have a million emails! (Not
literally, thank goodness.)<br>
So, to keep it brief, my opinion is that, if SLF4J is true to its
intention "to serve as a <i><b>simple</b></i> façade for various
logging APIs", Markers would be outside the scope, as I believe they
push the façade beyond "simple".<br>
I don't want to be "the guy that made us drop Markers". <span
class="moz-smiley-s1"><span> :-) </span></span><br>
I think Markers are a bit complex and hence beyond the stated goal of
SLF4J, but their existence wouldn't cause me to stop providing SLF4J
support for Simple Log.<br>
If you dropped them, I would think that SLF4J was better for it, but I
wouldn't think it is bad if they stay.<br>