Hi All,<br><br>I am a newbie to logback and trying to use Dbappender to log application events information into the database. As I did not get to see any examples of how Dbappender can be used for this purpose, I just want to confirm if I am using it in a right way or not.<br>
Every time an event message will be logged into logging_event table, the related event details will be stored in logging_event_property table as key-value pairs. These two can be associated with event_id in both the tables. As the contents of MDC are stored into logging_event_property table, I have to put my event details in the MDC context before I log the event message and remove it from the MDC context after the event message logging is complete. I am not sure if it is the right use of MDC context.<br>
Also the properties stored in logback.xml (e.g I store directory for log files) are inserted into logging_event_property table every time I log any statement. I saw one issue posted related to this in the logback issue tracking system and it seems I cannot avoid storage of these properties in database every time. Unnecessary lot of duplicate rows get inserted with this information.<br>
Please suggest if I can make any improvements. Thanks in advance.<br><br>- Pradnya<br>