Hello all,<br><br>I'm new to logback, and I'm trying out a configuration that is, more or less, a word-for-word transcription of an example configuration from the documentation; you can view the configuration here:<br>
<a href="http://logback.pastebin.com/m1a6f2875">http://logback.pastebin.com/m1a6f2875</a><br><br>I'm having problems where I'm getting interleaved messages on a single line. I don't believe this is expected behavior, and it certainly makes it harder to understand what's going on. I've tried searching the mailing list and bug list to no avail. Here's an example from one log file:<br>
2009-09-30 15:45:31,649 [Thread-5] INFO CalaisSubmitter - CalaisFeedSubmitter clean shutdown<br>2009-09-30 15:45:33,2302009-09-30 15:45:33,230 [ [Thread-15] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>
Thread-19] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>2009-09-30 15:45:33,231 [2009-09-30 15:45:33,231Thread-17] [ INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>
2009-09-30 15:45:33,231 [2009-09-30 15:45:33,231Thread-17] [Thread-21] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>2009-09-30 15:45:34,230 [main] INFO Eventweb - All stopped<br>
<br>and here's an example from another log file:<br>2009-09-30 15:47:10,061 [Thread-5] INFO CalaisSubmitter - CalaisFeedSubmitter clean shutdown<br>2009-09-30 15:47:11,3782009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [ [2009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [Thread-15] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>
2009-09-30 15:47:11,3782009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [ [2009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [Thread-15]Thread-21]Thread-17] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>2009-09-30 15:47:11,3782009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [ [2009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [Thread-15]Thread-21] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>
2009-09-30 15:47:11,378 [Thread-19] INFO PostItemSubmitter - Shutdown aborted queue operation<br>2009-09-30 15:47:12,378 [main] INFO Eventweb - All stopped<br><br>Can anyone tell me why I'm getting interleaved messages, and what I might be able to do to prevent this from happening?<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>- Michael<br>