Hi,<br><br>I have created a folder based logging system as the logs are created in the file system as :<br><br>logs/2009/07/12/log.txt<br><br>with this FileNamePattern: logs/%d{yyyy/MM/dd/}log.txt<br><br>I am running in Prudent mode = true by the way.<br>
<br>What I want to add is SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy for this logs, so I add the following: <br><br><triggeringPolicy<br> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy"><br> <MaxFileSize>3MB</MaxFileSize><br>
</triggeringPolicy><br><br>but this is not affecting the current log file,<br><br>how can achieve this SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy inside TimeBasedRollingPolicy ?<br><br>Thanks and Regards,<br><br>Yigit<br>