Ceki Culcu<br>Sorry for the empty message I just sent. I pressed the wrong button by mistake....<br><br>I have the following SocketAppender that uses the XMLLayout.<br><br> <appender name="SOCKET" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.net.SocketAppender"> <br>
<RemoteHost>localhost</RemoteHost><br> <Port>7777</Port><br> <ReconnectionDelay>10000</ReconnectionDelay> <br> <IncludeCallerData>true</IncludeCallerData><br> <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.log4j.XMLLayout"><br>
<LocationInfo>true</LocationInfo><br> <properties>true</properties><br> </layout> <br> </appender><br><br>I was wondering if it is possible to make a logback client that uses the above SocketAppender <br>
talk to a Log4j server. <br>I tried this but the server throws an unknown exception when connection is made... <br>Can SocketAppender and log4j.XMLLayout be combined like in the example above?<br><br>