Hi all,<br><br>Is there a way to specify the file substitution propery as something configurable? So I would not do<br><pre><configuration><br><br> <substitutionProperty file="variables1.properties" /><br>
</pre>but<br><br><pre><configuration><br><br> <substitutionProperty file="<b>${logback.properties}</b>" /><br><br><br></pre>where in Java I would have to specify something like<br><br> java Main -Dlogback.properties=c:/project/Main/main.properties<br>
<br>to be able to run my application?<br>Typically I want to have one configuration file, but sometimes I use multiple files to be able to turn on/off certain functionalities.<br><br>I'm also thinking of moving the logback properties into my application properties file (not sure yet). <br>
This configuration option would allow me to achieve this.<br><br>Thanks, Natan<br>