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Ceki Gulcu schrieb:
<blockquote cite="mid:48FC774F.1040409@qos.ch" type="cite">
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ekkehard wrote:
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<pre wrap="">Ceki Gulcu schrieb:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Hello Ekke,
What is it that you are trying to accomplish, in plain English?
<pre wrap="">My Logger objects are in each class
but I also want to know the OSGI Bundle name from where the log entry comes
and - optional - the OSGI Service names from where the event happened
<pre wrap=""><!---->
What is the relation between bundles and services? For example, is it true to
say that at time t0, bundle b0 offers services s00, s01, s02, bundle b1 offers
services s10 and s11, while at a later time t1, bundle b0 offers services s00
and bundle b1 offers services s10, s11 and s12?
If the above is true, you could create a marker named B0, S00, S01, S02, B1, S10
and S11. For example, with the following code
Marker B0 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("B0");
Marker B1 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("B1");
Marker S00 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("S00");
Marker S11 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("S11");
Once the markers are created, you can organize them in a graph, for example as
You can iterate through the references contained in a marker by calling the
iterator() method. Thus, if you wish to print the name of a bundle and all the
services it contains, you would print the name of the bundle marker and iterate
through its service markers (and print their names).
If at time t1 the list of services changes, then you can add or remove
references to service markers from the bundler markers as appropriate.
If you are using the default marker factory, keep in mind, in the two lines
below, that x0 and x1 refer to the same marker object named X:
Marker x0 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("X");
marker x1 = MarkerFactory.getMarker("X");
My point is that, the default marker factory cannot deal with the same bundle
markers having two different facets simultaneously depending on the context.
For example, you can't assume that the same bundles offers s0 for one request
and offers s1 but not s0 for a another request occurring at the same time. This
may be a totally obvious and acceptable restriction to you. I don't know OSGI
well enough to tell in advance.
Alternatively, you could implement your own Marker implementation and your own
marker factory, allowing you to check if a marker is a "bundle marker" or a
"service marker" or some other type. You could iterate only though bundle
markers or only through service markers. As long as the markers you pass to
logback implement the org.slf4j.Marker interface, logback does not care.
thanks - it helps to make it more clear<br>
I want to have this functionality of Bundle- and ServiceMarkers,
because the OSGI LogServices<br>
always have a bundleContext and ServiceReference(s) contained in the
If I catch these log entries and route them to LOGBack I dont want to
loose them.<br>
Also if I'm doing my own logs from my bundles I also want to log the
bundle name and<br>
names of referenced services<br>
now I have some ideas how to solve it best<br>
thanks again<br>