Hello,<br><br>I'm been unsuccessful at using the RollingFileAppender with a FixedWindowRollingPolicy that has this FileNamePattern:<br><br><FileNamePattern>${user.home}/Client%i.log</FileNamePattern><br><br>
"${user.home}/Client%i.log" gets correctly expanded to "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Michel/Client%i.log" when it's passed to the FixedWindowRollingPolicy constructor.<br><br>The problem starts once the filename gets parsed by ch.qos.logback.core.pattern.parser.Parser: the filename becomes "C:ocuments and Settingsichel/Client". <br>
<br>File rotations then fails (as would be expected) when trying to rename the current log to "C:ocuments and Settingsichel/Client1.log"<br><br>Is there a way to configure logback to correctly deal with the "\\" used in windows?<br>