I need to have different ROOT logger levels (INFO,DEBUG,WARN,etc) to different appenders (file..) <br><br>something like: <br><br><br><configuration><br> <br><!-- ..... appender defintitions ---- ><br><br>
<root><br> <level value="debug" /><br> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /><br> </root><br><br> <another root???><br> <level value="error" /><br>
<appender-ref ref="errorLog" /><br>
</root><br> <br><br></configuration><br clear="all"><br><br>But I'm not sure how to do this syntax in the XML config file. Looked through the documentation and examples, and I did not see it. <br>Any one can help, I appreciate it...
<br><br><br>-- <br>Regards,<br><br>Alex Hoyos