Hi everyone,<br><br>I've just switched to using logback for a project, that was using slf4j and jdk logging, but it's gotten a bit big for that. So far logback has been mostly great, except for a couple of small things. However, one major problem has recently come up, and I was hoping someone could help me.
<br><br>I'm using a few rolling file appenders, and everything works fine for a couple of days. However, after that, the current day's log seems to only keep the last line. Every time i 'more' the log, or something, it only has the most recent message, and if i run something like tail -f, it shows one line, and then never updates. The strangest part though, is that when it does eventually roll over, the backed up file (which seems to be called
whatever-1970-01-01.log, but that's another issue :P ) seems to be complete. But that doesn't really help when you're trying to debug an issue in a live, running system.<br><br>Thanks for the great product again, I just hope we can sort this out, so I can keep using it.