I'm currently migrating our internal project from log4j to sl4fj/logback, and so far have been having pretty good results. Because we have multitple web-apps running under tomcat, <br clear="all">I'm using the JNDI context selectors as described at
<a href="http://logback.qos.ch/manual/contextSelector.html">http://logback.qos.ch/manual/contextSelector.html</a> . The problem I am having is that I wish to be able to set a system property at runtime to describe to set the directory for logging destination to the WEB-INF/logs folder of the application.
<br><br>So I am setting a system property of appname.log.home to ..../appname/WEB-INF/logs, and then referring to it in the jndi-specifc logback.xml as ${appname.log.home to }/cc.log. Very similar to the InitContextListener in the log4j sandbox.
<br><br>However, I don't believe the system property is being set in time. How can I tell the Context to reload itself, so the system property can then be read?<br><br>The reason for all of this is so that the default configuration for development purposes puts the logs into the WEB-INF directory, but so that I can take the same WAR, move it to production, modifying the the environment variable logback/configuration-resource for the application to point to a separate
logback.xml file<br><br>Anyone have any ideas? Should I scrap the JNDI contexts and just use the JoranConfigurator to reload the config in a ServletContextListener?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Greg Case<br><br>