[logback-user] Minimal library dependency for logback implementation of RequestLogImpl

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Thu Jan 29 10:31:48 CET 2009

Oh, I forgot to mention that if you wanted to have your project hosted within 
logback at qos.ch, that is also possible.

Ceki Gulcu wrote:
> Hello Russell,
> Obviously, it would be nice if your contribution became part of the 
> default installation. However, your contribution can be helpful even if 
> it is not part of the default Geronimo distribution.
> Implementing accessing-logging with log4j would not be easy. I think you 
> would end up rewriting log4j which is presumably not your intention.
> Notwithstanding the license issue, I still think you can have sweet 
> deal. Here is how I see it.
> - Write a GBean with the jetty/logback-access extension.
> - Create a project in sourceforge to host it.
> - Add one page documentation on installing your GBean in Geronimo.
> - Locally, you would distribute your own version of Geronimo (with your 
> extension already installed). You would then install that version in 
> your farm.
> (The above is just an indication.)
> Many log4j extensions are not hosted in log4j. The same is true for 
> logback. It's nice if an extension becomes part of the main distribution 
> but it does not have to.
> HTH,
Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.

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